T/F: 喝完可樂後,你的肝臟釋出胰島素及把多餘的葡萄糖轉化成糖原_ Biogenic_2020年11月17日讀畢需時 1 分鐘T/F: After drinking a cup of coke, your liver secretes insulin and helps convert the excess glucose into glycogen正確係from pancreas, 大家記得睇清楚題目啦!呢題應該唔屬於難既題目,重點係在於你有無留意題目寫: Insulin secretion from liver cells IG版本請按此
T/F: After drinking a cup of coke, your liver secretes insulin and helps convert the excess glucose into glycogen正確係from pancreas, 大家記得睇清楚題目啦!呢題應該唔屬於難既題目,重點係在於你有無留意題目寫: Insulin secretion from liver cells IG版本請按此